iFDG A320-200 "Delta" (new livery) for FS9 (2004)

It has been thoroughly tested in FS9 and has been so without incident or problems.



Tony Cannon at wombat457@wildblue.net



Installation of this plane is simple and is as follows:

1. Unzip the IFDG Delta zip to your desktop or other location of your choice.
2. Copy or move the IFDG A320 Delta folder into your main FS9 Aircraft folder.

That's it, your ready to fly!



This plane comes with Ken Mitchells A320 custom panel. It has been tested and seems to work okay
other than the Nav, Strobe and Beacon lights. If you can find a solution to this problem let me
know, as I haven't been able to as yet.



Distribution of this particular plane/livery is restricted to all sites OTHER than the FLYAWAY site.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is this plane/livery to uploaded to their site or ANY screenshots to
appear on or in the FLYAWAY FORUMS.



I trust you willenjoy this aircraft as well as the paint scheme. If you do, please tell others,
if you don't, then please please tell me!

Cheers and happy flights,

Tony Wombat Cannon